domingo, agosto 28, 2011

A great view

Ok so here we are, (from right to left) Mj, me, Yara and Mónica .

On the picture underneath, I'm doing something weird as usual while drawing a lighter . And the last picture is from the view we had from our tent if we were laying down . It was pretty cool .

That day was really great, we saw Axwell live and it was AWESOMEE !

Stay tuned ;)

MG .

sexta-feira, agosto 26, 2011

The "Canal"

So this was the famous canal on the sw camping . Radio Cidade FM was there all day long playing music nonstop for us !
We went there everyday even if it was just for a little while . Best thing ever .

That's me in the picture, obviously, trying to stay hydrated !

Stay tuned,

MG . c

domingo, agosto 14, 2011


Hey everyone !
I am sooo terribly sorry I haven't posted anything in such a long long time . But it is summer And I've been enjoying some crazy vacation !
I have been anxious to share it with all of you so I'll start posting a few pictures from the most amazing summer festival of ALL TIME ! South West TMN, in Zambujeira do Mar, Portugal .
So this was after we got there . Truth is, the journey there...Was absolutely terrible . The train was late, the bus was boring and old, the lines were endless and the search for a spot to camp was so tiring . But at the end of the day, it was worth it . I mean, just check it out...! Thousands of people did the exact same path . Stay tuned .
MG .